• Bank Name:Bonneville Bank
  • Locations:1 Branch in Utah
1.7 / 5
  • Rating 1.71/
Bonneville Bank has an overall customer satisfaction rating of 1.7 out of 5 stars based on 7 votes and 2 reviews & complaints for 1 branch. Below you can read unbiased reviews, complaints and comments for branches or the bank in general. You can also share your own toughts and complaints about Bonneville Bank using the form below.


Misty · 21 July 2023
Bank review

I filed a claim last week due to purchasing and loading a card at the Dollar general. I walked from the store to my car tried to activate the card it said the card was invalid never allowed me to activate it. After 2 days I finally got a live person for Green Dot Bank which is also Boonville Bank and I filed a claim for fraud. First they tell me a partial payment is being refunded and then they send me another email saying I provided somebody with the details of the card and to contact my local law enforcement if I have any further questions that there would be no refund for one I never prayed anybody anything and the cameras can show that also I was never even allowed to activate the card it's kept saying it was invalid but Green Dot is refusing to refund my $200. This is fraudulent and illegal and I would appreciate it if somebody could look further into this claim and refund my $200 thank you.

Becky Burnell
Becky Burnell · 6 November 2020
Branch review: Head Office Branch

I am a 62 year old women who is getting very upset with your bank my socialsecurity wa sent to your bank to go to my visa card and I did not receive it I have called 5 different numbers and have had no help I would like a call today 9062909352 thank you Becky Burnell

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Whether you had an exceptional experience with Bonneville Bank or the bank didn't meet your needs, please share your feedback, compliments, or complaints so that the bank can better serve you. Please do not include any sensitive data on this form such as credit card number, SSN, etc. For direct or private messages please use the offical website of Bonneville Bank.

1675 North 200 West, Provo, UT 84604

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